School Council

The School Council consists of 3 members of the Parents' Committee, 3 members of the Teachers' Council, and 3 representatives of the Students' Parliament. The members of the Council shall be elected for two years. In the event of the withdrawal of a member of the Council, the election of another member shall be organized. The School Council elects the Chairman/President of the School Council. The chairman may not be the head of the High School.

School Board meetings shall be convened at least once a year.

A meeting shall be valid if 2/3 of its members are present. Decisions are taken by a majority of those present.

The School Board reports on its activities to the members of the school community and the local community who have collected it.

The general meeting (owner), headmaster, institutions carrying out educational supervision of the High School, after finding that the decisions adopted by the Council conflict with the laws and other legal acts regulating the activities of the High School, propose the School Council reconsider them. If the School Council refuses, the dispute is settled by the procedure established by law.


  • Proposes High School’s activity perspective, main working directions.
  • Submits proposals for the High School activity program, changing regulations, approval of the strategic plan, annual activity plan, rules of procedure, education plan, organization of education, income, and expenditure estimate.
  • Discusses proposals for ordering textbooks, selecting a student assessment system, organizing additional activities.
  • On the proposal of the Teachers' Council, it discusses the issues of removing pupils from the High School and submits proposals to the Headmaster.
  • Discusses the issues of establishment, reorganization, and liquidation of new High School units;
  • Initiates cooperation between the High School community and society.
  • Hears reports and information of High School leaders about the economic and financial activities of the High School.
  • The implementation of decisions of other municipal institutions of High School may be suspended until their correctness and legality are investigated by the competent authorities.
  • The School Council shall report on its activities to the community members who have collected them once a year: parents at parents' meetings, teachers at the Meeting of the Teachers' Council, pupils in the Pupils' Parliament.