The History of Lojoteka

Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium and it’s library were both opened in 1995. Firstly the library was located on the second floor of the school building (now there is an IT classroom), later - in 1997, it was moved to the building nearby the Gymnasium. In 2011 the library was brought back to the main school building. Most of the books in the library were donated. Kazimieras Ambrasas SJ, Antanas Saulaitis SJ, Lionginas Virbalas SJ are the Jesuits, who greatly contributed to expansion of the library by gifting books from their private collections. Some books of the current collection were selected from the Jesuit library, huge parcels were received from the USA - thanks to the priest Antanas Saulaitis SJ - the library keeps receiving valuable books from America every once in a while up till now. Vaclovas Valys - a Lithuanian immigrant to the USA and a good friend of priest Gediminas Kijauskas SJ is also a highly appreciable contributor to the development of the library. In 1994, after Christmas, Vaclovas Valys met up with Clevelande - a provincial of Lithuanian Jesuit Province, priests Jonas Boruta SJ and Antanas Gražulis SJ. He presented them with his offering to support the slowly resurrecting Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium. Just three weeks after the meeting, Vaclovas Valys died. In April 1995 his sister Jadvyga donated his legacy - the books - to complement the library in memoriam of Vaclovas.

Currently the library's collection consists of books, gifted by Jesuits, students, their parents and other benefactors. The library has also gathered a rich collection of art albums and books that were gifted by Vilnius Academy of Arts and private sponsors. Compared to the libraries of other gymnasiums, ours is exclusively rich, because has been compiled from non-conventional sources. Since 2008 the library has been using iMOBIS (schools’ libraries’ information system) - e-catalog satisfies the readers by offering a book-reserving facility.

The abundance of various books and the growing community have led to a reassessment of the need for a modern library. Currently Vilnius Jesuit High School is a “second-home” to almost 800 students and over 100 workers. According to the needs of the school, in 2016, in the eastern courtyard of the ensemble of buildings of the Vilnius Jesuit monastery, the new library building began to rise. The architectural solutions modernly reproduce the outbuilding’s silhouette that once stood here.

In 2020 after completing the installation, the new gymnasium library exceeded the definition of a typical school library. The main library’s/reading room’s space (easily adapted for conferences or gatherings) and cozy group and individual work spaces are on the first floor; on the second floor quiet individual work spaces for library visitors and creative recreation environment can be found. An audio recording studio, a video/photo studio, a small cinema, storage rooms, group work spaces and a gallery of students' creations are found on the bottom floor of the building.

In the spring of 2020, the multifunctional library complex received a name - Lojoteka. Educational Media Center. The title encodes the mission of this center and its Jesuit origin.

In the autumn of 2021, Lojoteka was opened to the public and continues its active work to make the new educational media center an inviting educational and cultural space. Due to current Covid19 restrictions for educational institutions, the center is open to the public only on workday evenings and Saturdays. More Information: Contacts. Working hours.