TEDxYouth@VJG (2)

The TEDxYouth@VJG event on 9 October 2021, organised by the Gymnasium Student Parliament, was a great success, with all tickets sold out. Thanks to the amazing speakers, the cosy cinema "Pasaka" was full of new ideas, knowledge and experiences about the Big Little Things that surround us for half a day.

During the event, 15 speakers presented 14 speeches: Goda Sungailaitė, an English teacher and camp organiser at Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium, Kristijonas Šidlauskas, co-founder of Kandy Agency and founder of Tubular Media, Dainius Adomaitis, a basketball coach, and Skirmantas Malinauskas, a public figure, vlogger and journalist, Jokūbas Jasas, a gymnasium student and founder of Discite, Vida Lipskytė, an expert teacher of theatre and rhetoric and drama therapist at the VJG, Adomas Druktenis, an alumnus of the Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium and a camp organiser, Jurgis Terleckas and Matas Gancevičius, co-authors of the "5AM Podcast", and others.
TEDxYouth@VJG was opened by the contemporary dance collective "Gama", and during the event the audience was enchanted by Baltasis Kiras.
The highest quality of the event and the realisation of the vision was ensured by the partners.
TEDx events are events where representatives from various fields of study and experience share their presentations and experiences on topics of interest to students, community members and society. The aim of TED conferences is to inspire and educate participants and to do so without any profit motive. Read more about TEDx here
All talks can be found on the TEDx Talks Youtube channel: 

Jurgis Terleckas & Matas Gancevicius | Why Is It Worth To Have Problems?

Martyna Feser | The Labyrinths Of Freedom or Who Can Climb a Mountain Without Being Tired?

Kristijonas Šidlauskas | Why Being Dumb Is My Best Strategy?

Jurgita Rudėnaitė | It Sucks? That Is The First Step

Dainius Adomaitis | Mental Health And Its Importance In Sports

Dainius Jakučionis | How To Not Burn Through School

Goda Sungailaitė | The Choices We Make

Aivaras Vilutis | I Have Lost My Vocabulary

Jokūbas Jasas | If You Want, You Always Can

Vida Lipskytė | How Are You?

Adomas Druktenis | Let's Stop Fighting and Start Cooperating

Skirmantas Malinauskas | I'm a Loser. So Are You

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We wish you inspiration and new ideas!